The Supreme Court handed down its decision on SB 1070 [the Arizona immigration case]. The Court upheld the provision allowing state law enforcement to determine the immigration status of anyone they stop or arrest if they have reason to suspect the person might be in the country illegally.
The Court parted ways on three other provisions, with the majority rejecting measures that would have subjected illegal immigrants to criminal penalties for acts such as seeking work.
In his dissent, Justice Antonin Scalia couldn't help himself. He attacked President Obama's recent decision not to deport many illegal immigrants who have been in the United States since they were children. This policy was announced approximately two months after the case was heard.
Illegal immigration is a campaign issue. Why comment on the Obama policy? Scalia answered these criticisms of his criticism by saying "If the government is going to make me eat broccoli, I'll say whatever I damn well please".
Ok Justice Scalia, take it easy, the government isn't really going to make us eat broccoli now is it? But maybe you should have some anyway. A bit constipated perhaps??