Was it a bitter twist of irony that the Justice whose confirmation Senator Barak Obama voted against in 2005 saved his Health Care Act? Chief Justice John Roberts, whilst finding that the Affordable Care Act was unconstitutional under the Commerce Clause, nonetheless upheld the law saying that the law was constitutional by under the taxing power of the federal government.
In 1934, then Labor Secretary Frances Perkins found herself seated next to Justice Harlan F. Stone. Stone inquired as to how her work was going. The secretary said hat they were were uncertain on what basis the new Social Security program should be founded. Upon hearing this, the justice leaned over to her and whispered: ‘The taxing power of the federal government, my dear; the taxing power is sufficient for everything you want and need.’
It appears that Justice Roberts was listening as well. Ah, history does repeat itself, not content to merely rhyme.